The New Ways to Search For a Job - The Old Ways Are Broken
They did business the old way, failing to adapt and change in a rapidly morphing environment.
Business is broken.
Not you ...
And you shouldn't.
Nationwide, unemployment is kissing 10 percent.
Who knows how high it will go, or will it plateau and plummet (I can dream).
If you are looking for work, or thinking about it, it's time to rethink the process.
It's not like the old days (last year) when you updated your resume and networked like crazy and hoped that the phone would ring off the hook.
If that's the way you are seeking work, go to the end of the line.
That mode is now in do-do bird land, broken and on its way to extinction.
So what works? According to Gordon Miller, Senior Partner with Dovetail Solutions, it all starts with taking a business-like approach to pursuing a job.
Wishful thinking is out.
It's not all about who you know anymore.
Miller says, "It's about value.
What value will you specifically bring to the company?" In advising job seekers, he says that there are five key areas that will send you to the head of the line.
Stop Sending Resumes.
Everyone and there brother is wallpapering HR and anyone else they can think of with the latest version of the resume.
It's not that you should have one-just don't use it as your primary contact piece.
Who Do You Want to Work for? That's the critical question.
Forget about places that you've heard rumors that they are hiring or that there are positions open.
Stop and think.
Who are the three companies you want to work for? Or, what are the three industries you want to work in ...
then ID the top three companies in your region (or nationally if you are open to move) you would like to work for.
What do you love about them? The products? Services? Give backs to the community ...
what? 3.
Pretend that You Are an Investor.
Put your money where your mouth is ...
if you had $100,000 to invest in a company, what would you like to know about it before you wrote a check? How long they've been in business, what products does it make, what's the buzz in the business media, what's the community reputation? Gordon Miller says that many of his clients are shocked with the lack of knowledge of many of the candidates interviewed when it comes to who the company is and what it does.
"There's no real in depth understanding of the company, its culture or the product.
" 4.
Dig Before You Contact.
It's wise to expand your sphere-reach out to others who might know something about the company, its history and the industry.
The most reliable information comes from those who are in the know ...
which is rarely going to be someone in HR.
If you aren't a member of LinkedIn, join.
I get weekly requests from people I know asking to connect them with others I know who in turn, know someone that they are trying to reach.
Write a Value Proposition Letter.
Resumes are out, Value is in.
Let's face it ...
the position you had in the past may no longer exist, even the industry.
It goes something like this ...
Dear President/CEO: I've done in depth research on your company and industry.
With my skills, here are the three ways that I can specifically bring value to your company ...
(Is it a new process, strategic alliances, converting old technology/practices to current, etc.
) You send this gem to the decision maker ...
not a paper pusher.
It's not about the past, it's what value you bring to the table today and how your value will enhance the company's value.
Business as usual is broken ...
You, as the job seeker, must start with a clean slate.
### © 2009, All Rights Reserved.
The Briles Group, Inc.