Syphon Filter - Logan"s Shadow Review
It is considered to be in the third person/first person shooter genre.
The events of the game transpire after the end of Dark Mirror.
In regards to the storyline, the game is about the protagonist named Gabe Logan and his mission to recover an item that could have catastrophic ramifications.
Unfortunately, he learns that the item was pilfered.
As a result, Robert Cordell (bureaucrat) aborts Gabe's mission due to the alleged defection of Lian Xing.
Logan seems incredulous about Lian's betrayal; consequently, Gabe does his own investigation.
The plot is nothing gamers have not seen before, but it did manage to keep me interested.
For PSP standards, the graphics are amazing.
There is a diverse appearance of weapons and gadgets; furthermore, the adversaries in the game are not bland.
The wide array of environments is something that is fairly unique.
Gamers will see ships, skyscrapers, and sidewalks with great detail.
It is more than enough to attract attention.
Inclement weather is seen through high quality visuals in the game.
For instance, smog and water have a realistic look to them.
The audio in the game is absolutely brilliant.
I heard everything from the sound of suppressed handguns to the sound of loud machine guns perfectly.
Even the enemies can be heard bantering with each other as Gabe progresses through the game, and the music worked well with the tone of the game.
I was flabbergasted with the voice acting because quality voice acting is arduous to come by in a PSP game.
The only lingering flaw I had with the game was the controls.
Occasionally, it was challenging to accurately aim when going into first person mode.
However, that is more about the design of the PSP not the game being an issue.
Since the PSP does not have dual analog sticks, it can make even the most rudimentary tasks feel laborious.
The gameplay in Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow is without a doubt in my mind the selling point in the game.
Gamers can approach missions from different perspectives.
They can take a clandestine method, or they can complete missions with guns blazing in all directions technique.
There are also the occasional dreaded escort missions her and there.
Each style is nicely accommodated by the weapons in the game.
Weapons such as a knife, silenced guns, and tranquilizers (ala Metal Gear Solid) will appease those stealthy players.
On the other end of the spectrum, there are the run and gun gamers who will admire the other weapons in the game.
These include machine guns, assault rifles, submachine guns, handguns, shotguns, and grenades.
All of those weapons are incredible in their own right, but my personal favorite had to be the sniper rifle.
The reason for that is the versatility the weapon has in the game.
You can equip incendiary ammo, gas, and electricity darts.
Plus, there is the usual bullets for eliminating opponents from afar.
I found that one of the simplest ways of eradicating a guard was to shoot at an explosive barrel or object near him.
Another gameplay element that felt like it was ripped straight from Gears of War was utilizing the environments as cover.
You can blind fire and peek around corners with ease.
Head shots are as deadly as ever and require some skill to master.
In addition, there are some engrossing vision modes that will assist you in finishing a mission.
Night vision mode will help you see in the dark, and infrared gives you a better sense of where other foes are located.
One completely original aspect of the gameplay in the game was a contact sensitive moments (ala God of War, God of War 2, Heavenly Sword).
These parts in the game are used for disarming bombs and unlocking doors.
The artificial intelligence in the game is about average.
They will attempt to flank you, but most of the guards can be easily defeated.
I have not even begun to talk about the multiplayer; nonetheless, you should just know that it is as spectacular as the single player story mode campaign.
There is an eight player multiplayer which include deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, rogue agent, and sabotage.
The game itself might feel somewhat succinct due to a ten hour gameplay experience, but it is an action packed adventure from start to end.
If anyone enjoyed the Dark Mirror, then they will feel right at home with this game.
final verdict 8.
5 out of 10