Live to Gather Or Live Together
Will it be a correct advice to son from father?
When he says in this term means earn more
Do something to earn so time does run out before
We all live in life to eat and gather more and more
We fail to deliver anything good before reaching shore
You got to gain the ground and pass the taste on floor
It is life so you will have to face all odds waiting in store
It is living in harmony with good relation
Inner strength reveal in the form of good elation
Solving all problems before it raises any question
Listening attentively to the piece of advice or suggestions
It is word of jugglery which makes us to live in confusion
Living in together means facing life with lot of energy and infusion
Trying to sort it smooth it out before it raises its ugly head
Joint efforts to counter the menace and wisely read
What is use of living to gather when there is absolutely nothing to gather?
They are all relations an stand in the form of brother, mother and father
What is essence of living together means synchronizing the efforts?
Live together with aim of maintaining relation with good rapport
We may go on collecting enough of wealth till the end
It will be great love loss and life will be dry without friends
You may get everything but without any sweet relations
All material gains at feet but no joy at heart without soul elevation
It is something more to live together than to strive for live to gather
Both are equally important for life to pass the time with wonders
You can live peacefully if you have gathered enough to last
Life can be at receiving odds and may run out very fast
It is mere coincidence that we live apart but still live together
We definitely want to sail smooth and go still further
We don't want to disturb anybody and try for very good passage
This is how we accept the challenge and deliver it as message
Sometimes we don't see eye to eye and live at opposite poles
Relation is strained and can be witnessed with lot of holes
It is useless to call live in relation when there exists none at all
It may then amount to total breakup in relation and sudden fall