How to Remove a Buttermilk Smell
- 1). Absorb all of the liquid from the area with paper towels or a rag. Pat the area until it feels dry and you have removed all the spilled buttermilk you can. Use cool water and a rag to gently wash the area, making sure to absorb as much of the liquid as possible. Once completed, allow the area to air dry. If you have clothing with the odor, launder it per manufacturer directions.
- 2). Old stains can be more difficult to remove, as well as the odors that accompany them. Remove any dried remnants of the spilled buttermilk, scraping it off if necessary. Then, using the technique in Step 1, remove the buttermilk and allow the area to air dry.
- 3). If Step 1 or Step 2 did not remove the odor, you may want to try one the following methods.
Baking soda, when sprinkled on an area, can absorb persistent odors. Leave the baking soda sprinkled on the area for a few days and then remove it with a vacuum and damp cloth.
Unused coffee grounds can also be placed over the effected area to absorb the smell. You will need to allow them to sit out a few days as well, and then remove them with a vacuum. - 4). Professional steam cleaning is another option, but it is costly and is not guaranteed. Steam can break down the sediments from the buttermilk and should allow them to be pulled from the carpet or upholstery, eliminating the problem. Contact a steam cleaning professional in your area to discuss the specifics of your odor; many will come to your home for a no obligation estimate.