List of Special Effect Makeup Schools in New York
- Special effect makeup schools educate students who want to create movie characters.make up image by Mat Hayward from
New York is a city made for movies, with its breath-taking skylines and aspiring actors waiting for their big break. It is also an ideal place to start when looking to work behind the camera. Makeup artistry is a growing field that demands creativity and skill. There are several schools that offer options to students who want to make this a career. - The Make-up Designory is a make-up artistry school that has a main campus in Los Angeles and a second branch in New York City. There are four make-up artistry programs to choose from, including the Film and Television Make-up Artistry program and the Multimedia Make-up Artistry program. Both focus on basic make-up application techniques, as well as specialized tools of the trade and how to create special effects. Techniques include the use of prosthetics and how to create a simulated injury.
Office of Admissions
375 West Broadway, Suite 202
New York, NY 10012
212-925-9250 - The Joe Blasco Make-up Artist facility is founded by Joe Blasco, a pioneer in the make-up artist industry. Blasco offers day and evening classes for students who are interested in learning the art of special effects make-up, as well as cosmetic make-up application. Classes at the New York City facility begin August 9, 2010.
(323) 467-4949 - Tisch School of the Arts offers a hands-on course for all levels of make-up students. This course teaches all of the many aspects of cinema make-up, including anatomical reference, lighting for make-up, sculpting, molding and applying prosthetics, graphic violence simulation as well as photography. No artistic background is necessary for this course. Students are provided with a kit that has all necessary materials.
Office of Special Programs
721 Broadway, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10003
212 998 1500