Write Great Articles That Get Read - 4 Steps to Writing Effective Articles
Although not as intricate as writing a novel or play, articles have a few important elements that can help make them more successful than others.
Here are 4 steps to help jump start your article writing.
1)Create an interesting title.
Make your article stand out amongst dozens of competitors.
Your title can be written as flashy as a newspaper headline to garnish attention - as long as it is consistent with the topic.
To further jump start the effectiveness of your articles, insert appropriate keywords in your titles to raise your search engine optimization.
This will give your articles more exposure on the internet and more exposure means potentially more readers.
2)Maintain the interest of your readers with a strong introductory paragraph.
It is easy to lose readers if your introduction is dull or off point.
Therefore, try to use wit or humor if possible to entice readers to continue.
3)It is very important to communicate clearly with your readers.
The most effective articles are simply written and easily understood.
By keeping your sentences and paragraphs short, you're less likely to confuse and possibly lose your reader.
4)Summarize your article neatly and be sure to include a call to action.
A call to action is where you tell the reader what they must do next.
Tell them where and how they can purchase your products, register for your site or seek your other articles.
In addition, include back links in your articles, but most importantly in your call to action.
Back links will redirect your reader to your website and allow them to take the action you want.