Miscellaneous Market India NewsDiverse Investments
When we speak about the best mutual funds, the term best is not limited to a certain category. Yes, there are different categories to choose from ranging from equity, ELSS, balanced, MIP to debt floater, debt LTP, debt STP, liquid, and more. Performance of the mutual funds does change according to the fluctuations in prices witnessed in the stocks market. For example, the best mutual funds at present under the category of equity are SBI Magnum Emerging Busi (G), IDFC Sterling Equity Fund - G, IDFC Premier Equity - A (G), HDFC MidCap Opportunities (G), and UTI Wealth Builder Sr-2 RP (G). The statistics may change the next day. It will be wise on your part to keep a close watch of the stock markets not to mention the performance of the best mutual funds.
According to the latest (18th Oct.) market India news, commodity prices of gold and silver have gone down considerably. Canada white peas gained to some extent in the closing session of trade at the Mumbai pulses market. Export demand of cotton was limited with its weak produce in western India. Desi chana commodity prices were quoted up Rs 50-100 in spot markets. Visit a news portal to know more about commodity prices and news.
If BSE metal stocks are what magnetize you the most for investment, you have a range of options to choose from. There are numerous BSE metal companies listed in the Indian stock markets. As per the latest market India news, top performing companies in this segment are Jindal, SAIL, and Tata Steel. But companies witnessing an uptrend today may exhibit a downtrend tomorrow. Other BSE metal companies that you may consider investing on are Hindalco, HindZinc, NMDC, STER, WELCORP, SESAGOA, and more.