Grab These 2 Great Ab Workouts Right Now And Start Strengthening Your Core
I'm usually not a big fan of strictly ab workouts because my core and stomach muscles get hit hard with all of the heavy free weight exercises that I train with during my workouts, but once in awhile it just feels great to do a complete workout devoted to my abs.
Maybe if I was trying to do a bodybuilding competition then I would devote more time to bringing out my abs, but until then I'll stick with an ab workout every now and then.
Now when it comes to abdominal training and building up your abs, there are some important points that you need to understand.
The first thing is that crunches and situps are very over rated.
I rarely do them anymore, especially sit ups.
I'll occasionally do crunches with clients but only to work the rectus abdominus somewhat.
I'm worried that crunches will cause any injury like sit ups because the thoracic spine is the part that is moving, not the lumbar spine.
You should also not have to worry about doing count sets and reps of these 2 exercises either.
This will not get you anywhere.
Understand that your abs are just like any other muscle and they can respond to heavy and weighted movements.
But also understand that your abdominal wall is like an onion.
There are many layers of muscles responsible for different things.
For example your transverse abdominus is the deepest abdominal muscle and is responsible for spinal stability and core stability.
When this muscle is developed, it sort of pulls your stomach in and keeps everything tight like a girdle.
This is a very important muscle that you must train to get a good set of abs.
So without further ado, let's get into the first workout.
Ab Workout #1 Planks In Bottom Position 3x60 Seconds This exercise is the same as the previous weeks' except slightly harder.
Place your elbows on a cushioned surface, keep your butt and back straight and hold it for as long as possible.
Back and Forth Planks 3 x 20 Reps Assume a normal plank position like previous weeks.
From the plank position, push forward on your elbows and come up on your toes so your center of gravity is forward.
Try and keep your butt and lower back flat.
Mine is up a bit in the picture because I was having some lower back pain that day.
If you experience any lower back pain, try and hike your butt up slightly.
Overhead Weighted Crunches 3x25 Grab two dumbbells, one in each hand and raise them straight over your head while you are lying down.
Perform a crunch trying to get your shoulder blades off the floor and contracting your abdominals the entire time.
Bicycles 3 x 50 Lay on your back with your hands behind your head.
Crunch up and attempt to touch your right elbow to your left knee then immediately try and touch your left elbow to your right knee.
Do this movement in a quick fashion back and forth without your back touching the ground and you remaining in the crunched position.
Ab Workout #2 Stability Ball In And Outs Assume a regular plank position on the stability ball.
From there, push the ball out with your elbows on the ball and bring it back in.
Repeat this motion for the desired amount of reps.
Alligators Lay flat on your stomach like so with arms out to your sides.
From there, push your body up around 1-2 inches off the ground really tightening your stomach and keeping your body straight.
Pushup Rows With Weights Assume a pushup position.
From there, raise one arm up and drive your elbow back while keeping your hips as perfectly still as possible.
Bring your hand down and repeat with the other side.
Knee Ups Grab the underside of a bench and move your body towards the end.
Let your legs hang down in a semi bent position and from there, contract your lower abdominal region hard pulling your knees towards your chest.
These are just two ab workouts from my program Desert Island Abs.
Try them out for yourself and let me know how you feel the next day.
Maybe if I was trying to do a bodybuilding competition then I would devote more time to bringing out my abs, but until then I'll stick with an ab workout every now and then.
Now when it comes to abdominal training and building up your abs, there are some important points that you need to understand.
The first thing is that crunches and situps are very over rated.
I rarely do them anymore, especially sit ups.
I'll occasionally do crunches with clients but only to work the rectus abdominus somewhat.
I'm worried that crunches will cause any injury like sit ups because the thoracic spine is the part that is moving, not the lumbar spine.
You should also not have to worry about doing count sets and reps of these 2 exercises either.
This will not get you anywhere.
Understand that your abs are just like any other muscle and they can respond to heavy and weighted movements.
But also understand that your abdominal wall is like an onion.
There are many layers of muscles responsible for different things.
For example your transverse abdominus is the deepest abdominal muscle and is responsible for spinal stability and core stability.
When this muscle is developed, it sort of pulls your stomach in and keeps everything tight like a girdle.
This is a very important muscle that you must train to get a good set of abs.
So without further ado, let's get into the first workout.
Ab Workout #1 Planks In Bottom Position 3x60 Seconds This exercise is the same as the previous weeks' except slightly harder.
Place your elbows on a cushioned surface, keep your butt and back straight and hold it for as long as possible.
Back and Forth Planks 3 x 20 Reps Assume a normal plank position like previous weeks.
From the plank position, push forward on your elbows and come up on your toes so your center of gravity is forward.
Try and keep your butt and lower back flat.
Mine is up a bit in the picture because I was having some lower back pain that day.
If you experience any lower back pain, try and hike your butt up slightly.
Overhead Weighted Crunches 3x25 Grab two dumbbells, one in each hand and raise them straight over your head while you are lying down.
Perform a crunch trying to get your shoulder blades off the floor and contracting your abdominals the entire time.
Bicycles 3 x 50 Lay on your back with your hands behind your head.
Crunch up and attempt to touch your right elbow to your left knee then immediately try and touch your left elbow to your right knee.
Do this movement in a quick fashion back and forth without your back touching the ground and you remaining in the crunched position.
Ab Workout #2 Stability Ball In And Outs Assume a regular plank position on the stability ball.
From there, push the ball out with your elbows on the ball and bring it back in.
Repeat this motion for the desired amount of reps.
Alligators Lay flat on your stomach like so with arms out to your sides.
From there, push your body up around 1-2 inches off the ground really tightening your stomach and keeping your body straight.
Pushup Rows With Weights Assume a pushup position.
From there, raise one arm up and drive your elbow back while keeping your hips as perfectly still as possible.
Bring your hand down and repeat with the other side.
Knee Ups Grab the underside of a bench and move your body towards the end.
Let your legs hang down in a semi bent position and from there, contract your lower abdominal region hard pulling your knees towards your chest.
These are just two ab workouts from my program Desert Island Abs.
Try them out for yourself and let me know how you feel the next day.