Mobile Phone Recycling to Donate to Charity or Earn Extra Cash
There are also ways you can use old mobile phones to donate to charity.
I've written the following article to explain how you can get cash for mobile phones by recycling and how it can benefit different people.
I hope you find the following article informative and useful.
Firstly if you wish to get cash for mobiles to donate to charity there is an extremely simple way to do it.
You may think to recycle your handset for cash and then once the cash arrives with you, you can then send it to your chosen charity.
You could do this but it would result in a lot of hard work and effort on your part.
Simply recycle your phone and upon choosing which payment method you'd like to receive choose the charity option.
You'll then be able to choose your selected charity dependent on the several options given to you.
Once the mobile phone is received by the company they'll then send the cash for mobiles you sent in to your chosen charity.
If you wish to receive the money yourself all you need to do is go online and look for a good deal for your handset.
I'd recommend using a comparison site due to the fact you can compare all the prices on one site.
This will minimize the amount of time you have to spend looking for a great price as it's all in one place rather than you having to look at many different sites.
Once you've chosen the best deal you can then select your method of payment from the following options- • BACs • Cheque • Vouchers Don't forget to give correct bank details when giving them to the company so you get the cash.