Which I-Phone Is the Best to Buy?
The problem is that the term i-Phone has now been adopted in such a way that it has now become a word that applies to mobile phones in general. In other words in the eyes of many mobile phone users, it now has a much broader meaning and can therefore equally-apply to other brands as well.
So if we are asking about which is the best mobile phone to buy, that depends on whether you just want a phone for calling and texting, or if you also want it to have an internet search function as most people do nowadays. If it is the former, then I donâEUR(TM)t think that it matters too muchâEUR¦. most brands will perform a phone / texting function adequately.
However, if you are looking for a phone with a good internet search capability, as well as the ability to take good photos, play games etc, then it comes down to one of two options; Apple products or Android products. With Apple, their mobile phones run on an Intel core i5 processor which is pretty fast and will provide great graphics. People who own an Apple I-Phone are usually very enthusiastic about them. In fact it is a bit like they belong to an Apple `tribeâEUR(TM) and they tend to be very `one-eyedâEUR(TM) about their prized possessions.
For example, the latest I-Phone 5 - features a 4-inch Retina display, ultra-fast wireless, a powerful A6 chip, an 8-megapixel i-Sight camera with panorama, iOS 6 and i-Cloud and is the thinnest and lightest i-Phone ever.
The other option is a mobile phone operating under the Android operating system developed by Google which is based upon the Linux kernel and GNU software. It is an `open-sourcedâEUR(TM) system, which means that it can be easily modified by mobile phone manufactures
In my view, there are many different Android phones in the market which are very good, however currently one of the most popular brands is Samsung. In fact their latest Galaxy S III is competing very strongly with the Apple i-Phone. It is powered by a dual core processor and it runs the 2.3 Android version that has a high-definition display, intelligent camera (takes 8 photos and chooses the best), super-fast quad core processor, video function, games, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi connectivity and long (9 hour talk-time) battery life.
To learn how to buy an i-Phone and to determine the best I-Phone to buy, take a look at the huge range at http://mobile.grandproductsmall.com/home.html