Nancy H"s Recovery Story
Updated October 21, 2014.
I started drinking at 15 years old. My family nagged at me to quit, but, I thought I was okay. I dropped out of high school at 16 because of my drinking, but still I didn't think it was a problem.
When I was 25 I called a treatment center because it was either do that or kill myself.
You see, I had hit my personal bottom.
I kept my appointment with the center, had an evaluation, and was told I was a middle stage alcoholic. I fought that diagnosis big time, but decided to go along with what they wanted me to do.
I am very proud of what I have accomplished in changing my life. I have been sober since 1991.
I started drinking at 15 years old. My family nagged at me to quit, but, I thought I was okay. I dropped out of high school at 16 because of my drinking, but still I didn't think it was a problem.
I Fought the Diagnosis
I got married at 21 and we drank and fought together. We were together three years and after the marriage ended I really went wild. Drinking became even more important to me and a whole string of relationships followed.When I was 25 I called a treatment center because it was either do that or kill myself.
You see, I had hit my personal bottom.
I kept my appointment with the center, had an evaluation, and was told I was a middle stage alcoholic. I fought that diagnosis big time, but decided to go along with what they wanted me to do.
I Started Listening
I started going to A.A. and went to my outpatient treatment classes. Before long I started really listening and even saw myself in some of the stories. I got married again when I was 26 to a guy from my treatment group. We have two children and are now divorced. But, My children have never seen me drink and I continue to go to A.A.I am very proud of what I have accomplished in changing my life. I have been sober since 1991.