If You Are Trying To Stop Smoking But Smoker Friends Are Against It
There may be someone you considered to be a very good friend that gives you a horrifying reaction to your good news of quitting smoking and tries to re-addict you.
Some people on their quest to stop smoking have several of these friends offering pro-smoking opinions as well as cigarettes.
It is often challenging preparing to stop smoking.
For example, do you tell friends, colleagues and family of your plans? Maybe you wish to avoid the constant questions about whether you have quit yet, or about how you are getting on, how you are coping, and all the bombardment that simply piles on the stress when you really do not need any extra stress.
That can make you feel like you are doing it for everyone else and not for you.
The pressure to succeed and fear of failure are simply extra stresses.
And we all know a wonderful quick fix for stress, namely a cigarette.
So it makes sense that you keep the stress from friends, colleagues and family at a minimum.
However, when you proudly announce that you have quit for a week or so and a friend throws a challenge of why bother at you, that is not nice.
They may say that they do not see the point of you quitting, or that we are all going to die anyway, so what is the point of stopping smoking, an activity that you used to enjoy.
Of course what the friend omits is that it was an activity that you used to enjoy together.
And the friend also omits that they miss sharing their drug of choice with you.
Some friends feel threatened that if you successfully quit, then eventually they will have to.
They may feel pressured to quit even though you may be totally supportive and understanding of their need to smoke.
To make matters worse, such a friend will wait until you are really stressed (probably by them deliberately getting you to breaking point) and then offer you a cigarette as a caring friend.
The odd smoker friend may even threaten to withdraw their friendship or start distancing themselves from you.
It really makes you realize just how deep in denial nicotine addiction can take you.
You have to really feel sorry for these people because they are almost how you used to be in their need for that nicotine.
If tempted in this way by a friend or someone who is supposed to care for you, it really is just an issue that you can tap on.
Tapping is usually with EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques.
It involves stimulating special acupressure points whilst repeating a releasing phrase.
And before you know it, all that pressure or threats of rejection from the smokers in your life will fade into the background, and you can carry on with your journey of heath and well-being.
Some people on their quest to stop smoking have several of these friends offering pro-smoking opinions as well as cigarettes.
It is often challenging preparing to stop smoking.
For example, do you tell friends, colleagues and family of your plans? Maybe you wish to avoid the constant questions about whether you have quit yet, or about how you are getting on, how you are coping, and all the bombardment that simply piles on the stress when you really do not need any extra stress.
That can make you feel like you are doing it for everyone else and not for you.
The pressure to succeed and fear of failure are simply extra stresses.
And we all know a wonderful quick fix for stress, namely a cigarette.
So it makes sense that you keep the stress from friends, colleagues and family at a minimum.
However, when you proudly announce that you have quit for a week or so and a friend throws a challenge of why bother at you, that is not nice.
They may say that they do not see the point of you quitting, or that we are all going to die anyway, so what is the point of stopping smoking, an activity that you used to enjoy.
Of course what the friend omits is that it was an activity that you used to enjoy together.
And the friend also omits that they miss sharing their drug of choice with you.
Some friends feel threatened that if you successfully quit, then eventually they will have to.
They may feel pressured to quit even though you may be totally supportive and understanding of their need to smoke.
To make matters worse, such a friend will wait until you are really stressed (probably by them deliberately getting you to breaking point) and then offer you a cigarette as a caring friend.
The odd smoker friend may even threaten to withdraw their friendship or start distancing themselves from you.
It really makes you realize just how deep in denial nicotine addiction can take you.
You have to really feel sorry for these people because they are almost how you used to be in their need for that nicotine.
If tempted in this way by a friend or someone who is supposed to care for you, it really is just an issue that you can tap on.
Tapping is usually with EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques.
It involves stimulating special acupressure points whilst repeating a releasing phrase.
And before you know it, all that pressure or threats of rejection from the smokers in your life will fade into the background, and you can carry on with your journey of heath and well-being.