Truth about business partnership - How to
What on earth is a marketing business partnership you are probably asking yourself?
Well it could be the next best thing you do for growing your small business and getting exposed to more clients.
You as a business owner can benefit tremendously from such a partnership.
And we are not talking about finding a partner to run your small business with. Not at all.
All it is, is looking for a fellow business owner to share customers with.
Does that sound easy or what?
And the road to entrepreneurship that many think, is a very lonely one, is now a journey together with other entrepreneurs just like you.
We were not meant to be an island so let's STOP thinking as one in the way we do business.
Here we will give examples and describe exactly how you can get into such a partnership.
And the main thing to remember when reading these points is:
How will it benefit your small business and increase sales?
The best way to describe a marketing business partnership I think is: teaming up with another business so that you can both expand your exposure and increase sales. Is that not what all business owners want.
I do.
As you can see, these partnerships create WIN-WIN results for both parties involved. There will be no need to hard sell your fellow business owner or put a knife to his throat to convince him to team up with you.
Nope all you need to do is make them see the benefits from this partnership with you.
I would be running out the door right now looking for a partner if I were you. As easy as that.
But just in case you are still a bit hesitant, let me explain a bit further how you would go about looking for these partners right away?
First you look for businesses that have a complementary service or product in the same market as you but that of course are not your direct competitors.
Like say a hairdresser partnering up with a Spa.
Then let your creative juices run wild in looking for ways you could
introduce each other to your clients and prospects by offering your service and/or products.
Let me explain this better with some real examples:
- A House Painting company would recommend a Kitchen remodeling business and receive 15% on completed orders
- Give a joint workshop for your clients and prospects. Each of you handles a part of the presentation. And you both create instant credibility. (smells like WIN-WIN to me)
I think the value of such a partnership is obvious and I hope you consider setting up a partnership with a fellow business owner this week.
Really with a marketing business partnership, how to get more business becomes obtainable for even the worst sales person, right?
Because it is easy and you do not need extensive networking skills or an expensive marketing plan to start now.
All you need is an open mind and an alertness to spot potential business partners out there. And this would be the right time to think outside the box. Yep. That is not too much to ask for right?
I wish you all the luck and persistence with this and want to remind you that we are not out there on your own. There are potential marketing business partners just outside your window.