How Do I Get My Hawkfish Out of My Tank?
- 1). Obtain a small fish hook. Hawk fish range in size from 3 to 5 inches. Small fish hooks are available at sporting goods stores.
- 2). Set up your fishing rod. Take a wire cutter and clip the barb off of the hook. Place the hook on the fishing rod. Bait the hook with a piece of raw shrimp or chicken. Place the hook and line in the tank. Wait for the hawk fish to attack the bait.
- 3). Put on a pair of gloves. Leather gloves or gloves with padded protection are ideal when handling hawk fish. Hawk fish feature sharp teach and can cause injury if handled improperly.
- 4). Once the fish attacks the bait, reel the fish out of the tank. Ensure you reel the fish out quickly to prevent the fish from swallowing the hook.
- 5). Gently but firmly grasp the fish in your hand. Quickly remove the hook from the fish.
- 1). Allow the hawk fish to become comfortable. This type of fish enjoys perching on rocks and are relatively low key.
- 2). Feed the fish. Drop mysid shrimp or other appealing food into the tank. Allow the hawkfish to attack the food.
- 3). Quickly scoop up the fish with a net while it is preoccupied.
- 1). Turn out all the lights in the aquarium and the room. Cover the aquarium with a blanket to ensure the fish does not have any light. Ideally, wait until nighttime to do this technique.
- 2). Let the fish grow comfortable in the pitch black.
- 3). Prepare for the surprise. With your net in one hand, slip off the blanket from the aquarium. Turn on the lights in the aquarium. Turn the lights on in the room.
- 4). Once the lights are turned on, wait for the fish to come out of hiding. Scoop up the fish once it is in view. Due to the sudden light, the fish is disoriented, which makes catching it easier.