How to Make an Aquarium Filter More Efficient
- The most direct way to improve filter efficiency is regular cleaning or changing the filter. Aquarium pumps and filters differ from model to model. Cartridge style filters slide out from the inside of the pump. Rinse filters under water and placed back inside the pump. If the filter is corroded with algae and waste, change it. Remove charcoal filters from the tank and change the charcoal and filter floss.
- In addition to fish waste and old food, aquarium filters also remove algae. Certain breeds of fish, like Plecostomus and other bottom feeders, control algae growth. Despite filtration and algae-eating fish, algae can run rampant. Preventative measures, like placing the aquarium away from direct sunlight and chemical algae controllers can improve filter efficiency.
- Tank cleanings and partial water changes will reduce the amount of waste in the aquarium. This will improve the pump and filter system because it does not have to work as hard to purify the water. Pet shop personnel recommend partial tank changes (as opposed to complete tank changes) because they do not considerably alter the aquarium ecosystem and it places less stress on the fish. Purchase a pH level test kit at a pet shop and use it following the individual kit instructions.
- Routinely inspect the pump and filter, particularly tubes and hoses, which can come loose. Also check the pump and filter after a power surge or outage. Add a small amount of water to the back of the pump filter system to activate the spin wheel system after a power outage.