The Business That Moves With You
That is definitely one of the pros of network marketing. You can work from practically anywhere in the world, move from one place to another, and your business will not skip a beat. How many businesses offer that kind of flexibility? Not many.
Even if you have no intention of leaving the corporate world, or leaving whatever job you currently have, it is certainly smart to be network marketing on the side. Not only is it a second stream of income, but it has no boundaries. It has no confines of set hours, sitting in an office from 9 to 5, answering to a boss, dealing with unpleasant co-workers, asking for vacation time, one-hour lunches, etc.
There is so much freedom in this business that it feels like a breath of fresh air. You make the rules, set your own hours, take a break whenever you feel like it, take vacations on a whim, and answer to no one.
Isn't that the way it should be? This business creates financial and personal freedom for so many. People are jumping on the band wagon to get a taste of this freedom. We have been conditioned for many years to wake to the sound of an alarm clock, rush to work, sit at our desks for hours on end, and request vacation time like little children asking for permission
It is about time that we broke free. That is why I am working so hard to build a successful home business. I am no longer satisfied with the work-world and corporate America. There is a better way. I know others who have become successful at working from home. They have created a situation for themselves where they can spend time with their families instead of heading to the office each day.
They get out of bed each morning when they wake up, and not to the shrill sound of an alarm clock. They make the ten-second commute to their home office and begin their work day with a cup of coffee. There is no need to shower, get dressed, and make the drive to work in rush-hour traffic.
There are so many benefits. They are too numerous to even mention. The tax benefits alone are a good reason to start a home business. There has been a revolution recently in the area of owning your own business. People want more control over their own lives.
They want more family time and more leisure time. They want more financial freedom and less stress. They are finding these things by leaving their traditional jobs. It is no longer desirable to work at a job for many years, collect your gold watch and pension, and retire to a life of barely getting by.
Network marketing is a business that moves with you and gradually provides you with an above-average income. What a great thing for military families and others whose lives require that they move often.