Prepaid Legal Fast Start – Completely Misses The Mark
When someone begins their Prepaid Legal (PPL) business as a Fast Start Associate, they qualify to advance faster within the company. Specifically, when a Fast Start Associate recruits another Fast Start Associate, they skip over the Associate level and are immediately promoted to and are paid as a Senior Associate. Additionally, they can advance to the Manager level with as few as 4 new Fast Start Associates on their team.
PPL even provides a bonus Fast Start Builders kit that includes:
- 3 months Free Televox (PPL's communication system)
- 3 months free eService (ecommerce website)
- 5 membership applications and 3 associate applications
- 2 training CD's
- 1 Getting Started Right book
- 3 Private Business Reception DVD's
- 1 Secrets Out CD
While the Fast Start program is certainly generous, and it is obvious that PPL has their associates' best interests at heart, they might have taken it one step further.
Where PPL Missed the Mark
The key ingredient to success in any network marketing business is productivity. The more products you sell and the more people you recruit into your downline, the more successful you become. Your income and advancement is based solely on your production not your title or tenure – which is both the allure and frustration with network marketing.
The Fast Start program is also based on production – yes you can advance faster but not without a lot of memberships and new business partners. The challenge here is that their preferred method of marketing, warm market marketing, has now become the single most inefficient way to build a business.
Advances in technology have given distributors a plethora of alternatives to their warm market that are less labor intensive and produce much better results. While the Fast Start program is certainly generous, and it is obvious that PPL has their associates' best interests at heart, what's missing is marketing strategies for today's society.
Now you can define a target market of people who are looking for what you have to offer and connect directly with them through blogs, forums, social media, webinars, teleconferences, you name it! Amazingly more efficient than being limited to just friends and family.
Network marketing is all about leveraging people, now you can take that a step further and leverage technology too. While you sleep or work at your day job, potential customers can be reading your blog posts, visiting your website or watching you on YouTube.
Serious business builders with serious dreams are taking hold of this new opportunity and also teaching it to their downlines to build colossal businesses for everyone.