Songwriting: A Talent Better Developed Than Learned
The first step to compose a song involves writing the lyrics. The lyrics are the language that eventually translates into the rhymes. So unless you do not have the vocabulary of the words, metaphors and similes and unless you do not know to use them in songwriting, it is unlikely that you can create a lovable songwriting assignment, and it is more highly likely that you'd shout, €help me write my assignment€ at the door steps of online services.
Regardless, following are some guidelines that will help you work on this talent and be good at songwriting.
The title is the first thing that you should work on before actually creating the song. This will help you relate your ideas to the theme of song. Ultimately your composition will sound in synch with the lyrics once the song is composed.
Brainstorm ideas that can relate with the theme or title of your song. The lyrics must match with the title after you have finalized the title of your song.
Come up with a powerful first line of the song. Use strong words like sayings, punch lines or something eccentric to catch the listener's attention.
Be original and use unique words. Avoid using words that could make the listener confused. But it must be something that is original and at the same time sound catchy.
Never make a lengthy song, ideally not more than four minutes. A song that is too long will only make the audience bored and they will more likely lose interest in the song. So keep the lyrics short and make sure it relates with the theme of the song.
Love has been the most popular theme when it comes to write a song. This is something that majority of the people relate with. So naturally, it will attract more listeners and your song is more likely get into the heart of people. Make sure that your song has a strong feeling of love.
Get inspired. There are thousands of songs out there that can inspire you to write your own song. Listen to some hit singles of your favorite singers and then come up your own creation. Remember that inspiration is the driving force for creative people.
Use repetitive catchphrase to make your song catchy and pleasing to ears.