Take Advantage Of Insurer Websites
As a customer, there are many things you can use your insurer's website for. Things like:
Getting quotes: If you want to make changes to your policy, you can often use an insurance company's website to request the changes and see what your new premium would be. For instance, when using an auto insurance company's website, you may be able to add a new car to the coverage, change deductibles and limits and even add coverages. You'll also get to see the cost of these changes before committing to them.
Getting policy copies: Misplacing your insurance policy happens, but when you have online access to your policy you can request another copy easily. Some insurance companies may even offer digital copies from their website that help facilitate better storage.
Requesting new cards: If you lose your insurance card, you will probably need a new one sent as soon as possible, especially if it is an auto insurance card. Calling an insurance company and dealing with an automated message can be frustrating, but an insurer's website might offer the perfect way to notify them that you need a new card quickly and easily.
Understanding your policy: The terminology used on some insurance policies is hard to understand. Many insurers offer handy definitions on their site that make reading, and understanding, your policy much easier. These may be in a special policyholder-only section of the site or might be on the public part.
Making claims: Not everyone has the time to sit on the phone with their insurance company making a claim. Many insurers offer online access to claims forms and digital claim submission processes. Not only are these easier and less time consuming than calling an insurer, they also make it easier to keep records of your claims.
Get your discounts: Many insurance customers find that buying insurance through certain carriers provides them with discounts on other services and products like car rentals, hotel stays, and even phone service. But you might not know about any of these services unless you log on to your insurer's online system and track them down.
For convenience, time saving and ease of use, take advantage of the online system that your insurance company has set up. Be sure that it is on a secure server, and make sure you only log in at home so you don't run the added risk of identity theft. This will save you a little bit of time in your daily life and help ensure that you get the most out of your auto insurance premium.