How to Make Sure You Won"t Lose Your Ex Forever! 3 Things You Should Do Now to Get Them Back!
Keep your head held high Whining, bickering, moping, crying, pleading, begging, sighing, and doing NOTHING are all signs of depression and sadness...
neither of which will win your ex back! You must keep your head held high and be positive so that you will have the outlook and mindset that your ex will be attracted to! Your ex will NEVER be attracted to someone who is highly depressed and down.
Being positive is the most difficult thing to do now, but you must remember that your ex is watching you like a hawk now to see what you will do to win them back, and they DESERVE someone who is positive and strong in turmoil...
so why not give them what they want? Keep your dignity Instead of chasing your ex around endlessly, and even begging them back, keep your dignity! Your self respect is something YOU give yourself, and no one else will give you any respect, when you don't even respect yourself.
This is an important role in getting your ex back, because your ex doesn't want to be with someone who will constantly sacrifice their own self respect for things they seem to want in the moment.
Your ex could perceive this as an issue in the future, where you do the same things again any time you think you are losing something or want to gain something.
Keep the distance Your ex wants distance right now, and that's what a breakup really is essentially: time for each partner to take a break.
Of course, you don't want to take a break, but since your ex does, you are going to have to allow them to regardless! The more you try and force your ex to NOT take a break, the more they will run from you, because they will perceive you as being really stubborn, ignorant, and selfish.
But worse, they will think you really just don't listen and cannot give them what they want.
So keep the distance, and this will make sure that you don't lose your ex forever!