Learn How to Use Testimonials to Drive Traffic to Your Website
I want you to think of any service or product that you have used or are using. Now has it performed well for you? Has it helped you or your business? Why am I asking this question? Simple, If the product or service has helped you why not give it a testimonial. Send the company a testimonial and tell them how you have benefited from it. But now comes the great part, after you have finished, add your name and then under your name add your websites URL. So if and when they use your testimonial your websites URL will also be displayed along with it.
Just think, if this is a popular website you are giving a testimonial to, they may get 1,000 or more visitors a week or even a day. So you can imagine out of all the people who visit that site, your website is bound to get alot of traffic also. Why? Because people like to see if you are a real person giving this testimonial.
You are now going to be getting advertising for free! And not to mention the potential for alot more sales or sign-ups for your affiliate program or Home Business. You may be thinking that in doing this you will be using this company unfairly. Not true, they are also benefiting greatly from you and your testimonial. You have helped their visitors and potential customers know that this product or service does really work. So you both win, nobody gets used.
Hint: When you are thinking of sending in testimonials, make sure the site is relevant to your website or product niche. This will greater increase your chances of receiving better traffic. When you do send in your testimonials, they may or may not be used or might just take time to get put onto the companies website. But think if only 2 or 3 of your testimonials got put on some heavy hitting websites...Your traffic to your website has the potential to sky-rocket. And don`t forget how much it could also boost your link popularity.
All the best,
Campbell Shaw