How to Make Money Online with Twitter
Be regular
You need to be active and make regular posts. That doesn't mean that you make a post every five minutes of the day. It means that you make about 6-7 post throughout the day. If you post anymore than that people will get sick of seeing you push your product and stop following you.
Do not a too pushy
Don't push your product to hard. While it is good to mention your products the best way to make money online through Twitter is to be sociable. If you're just seen as a pusher, then people will leave in you in droves.
Link to your web page or blog
Link your Twitter account to your web page or blog. No matter what you are promoting if you really want to make money online, you need to have links to the products. There is no use just mentioning what you're selling, if people can't click through to it. You need to have a link on your Twitter page and you need to have links in your posts. If you have links in your posts then people can read what you have written and click on the link without any hassles.
Improve your followers
Getting followers on Twitter can be easy; however, getting quality follower can take a bit of extra work. The key to being able to make money online with Twitter is to get people that are interested on your topic. The best way to get high quality followers is to start following people who are already following others that are promoting a similar product to you. It can be slow at first, but it will get quicker over time.
So if you are serious about using Twitter to make money online, you need to ensure that you are active, but not push. You need to have links to you web page or blog so that people can follow them so they can buy your products. Lastly you need to have good quality followers that are more likely to buy your products. If you have all of these elements working then you have a good chance of success. Click on the link below to find out more about how to make money online from Twitter
Terry Shadwell