Make Sure to Get All of Your Deductions
You always want to file a tax return with itemized deductions.
Here are some of the more and less common deductions for which you may qualify.
The single biggest tax deduction for Americans is mortgage interest.
If you are paying a mortgage to a lender, you qualify to deduct this interest on your income tax return, along with any PMI you are currently paying.
If you loaned money to a family member and did not get it back, it qualifies as a deduction as a worthless debt.
Any driving to and from a doctor's office or hospital is deductible along with any driving you might do as part of a volunteer or charity effort.
If you are a teacher, you can deduct educator expenses from your income taxes.
If you area a parent, do not forget to get all of the child credits you are entitled to.
Chances are that you qualify for more than one.
You can deduct expenses related to an S-Corporation or a partnership from your personal income tax return, as if you were self-employed.
If you incur expenses on the job or job related for which your employer does not reimburse you like cell phone usage, Internet usage, home office usage, auto usage, and maybe even meals, you can use them for a tax deduction.
The "Make Work Pay" tax credit is a reduction in your tax rate that you should be able to see as an increase in your take home pay.
Contact the payroll department where you work and find out if you need to change your withholding to reflect the credit.
There is a first time home-buyer tax credit.
It is important to know that the Internal Revenue Service defines a first time home-buyer as someone who has not owned a principal residence for three years before the purchase of the new home.
Of course, you must also buy the house within calendar year 2009.
If you make an energy conserving improvement to your home in 2009, you can get a tax credit.
You can take advantage of the Energy Conservation Credit and receive up to a $1500 tax credit.
However, you must apply that credit to your 2009 and 2010 taxes.
So it is only good for $750 each of those years.
The first $2400 of unemployment assistance is now free from taxation.
Everyone receives a deduction for health insurance payments.
If, however, you are self-employed, you can deduct one hundred percent of your health insurance costs.
Non-monetary gifts to charities are tax deductible.
If you give clothing, furnishings, household goods, or any kind of material possession to charity, ask for a receipt.
These non-monetary donations are tax deductible.
The cost of filing your income tax return is tax deductible.
This is a commonly missed deduction.
The deductions will be for last year's return, so save any cost documentation from a tax professional who filed your returns, e-filing costs, or software expenses.
In order to absolutely stay current with the shifting and changing tax laws enforced by the Internal Revenue Service, you might want to consult a tax attorney or tax professional.
A tax professional can help by preparing your income tax return for you.