eBook Writers and Readers Wanted Alive
I'm delighted to write about it for fans of Ezine articles because after all, this is THE place for writers and readers.
Dan Poynter, Founder of Para Publishing and author of over 125 successful books including the famous Self Publishing Manuals Volume 1 and 2, has broken new ground introducing the Global eBook Awards.
This is the first year for this award, so I want to spread the word about this exciting opportunity for eBook recognition.
An authority on book publishing, he is also the leading authority on eBook publishing.
Book covers, Dan's seminars and his stories have been seen in The Wall Street Journal, on CNN and in U.
News and World Report.
For aspiring writers everywhere, Dan Poynter has provided the stimulation and motivation to send us to our journals, typewriters and later, our PCs to put descriptive words together to form a work of art.
It might have been a poem, a song, a short story we crafted; it could have been fiction or non-fiction that sprang from the creative center of our beings.
The point is he painstakingly showed us how to do what every writer aspires to do: get published.
Co-author of the wildly popular Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Jack Canfield, states that early consultation with Dan was "one essential ingredient" to the series success.
Thousand of best-selling authors concur.
EzineArticles has given writers a very unique voice.
I'm aware of other article directories on the Net but like Dan Poynter's tireless (and yes, profitable) efforts on writers' behalf, EzineArticles is an extremely useful resource to assist in realizing our writing dreams.
What better place than EzineArticles to encourage thousands of published (or soon-to-be-published) authors to sharpen their pencils or dust off their keyboards? NOW.
The Global eBook Awards was created because Dan believes it's time to recognize eBooks.
He and his Team have created this program so that the eBooks entered are brought to the attention of their target audience to attract more readers.
In other words, this program is designed to generate publicity that many eBook authors might not otherwise achieve.
The website is a fantastic resource on everything related to eBooks.
The Global eBook Awards is open to eBooks from authors, publishers, illustrators, and photographers written in the English language from any country.
The deadline for entry is JUNE 30, 2011.
Get all the details at http://www.
com Are you still writing or maybe still editing and have been doing so for months - or years? Or, maybe you've got several chapters written or a terrific outline prepared, well, IT IS NOT TOO LATE.
Consider this your call to action! Let this contest be your inspiration to begin writing or let it be your motivation to complete what you've started.
As the Nike slogan so famously demands "Just Do It.