CBSE Question Papers
This occurs, notwithstanding the fact that the questions are the same, the answers also the same!! What is more unlike some of the entrance examinations, largely speaking, the Central Board Question Papers [] have not been extremely difficult. All the same the anxiety levels have not come down. Rather they have increased to the extent that we have lost some precious young lives because of this.
All this boils down to the method of preparation that students adopt to tackle the Board Examinations. While nothing in the world can compare with regular study and revision throughout the year, the preparation that you do in the last few months leading to the Board Examinations do matter a lot in the ultimate analysis.
While different students have different methods of preparation that is best suited to their individual nature and taste, one way that is certain to alleviate your fear to a substantial level is to solve previous years CBSE Question Papers. They are available for free online. In fact both the solved question papers and the unsolved ones are available. Further, even test papers and guess papers are there for your convenience. CBSE 10th Class Question Papers are provided for free by many web sites. is only one such site. And these are there for free.Similar is the case with CBSE 10th Question Papers.
You can attempt as many question papers as possible. It is believed that if you are able to attempt and complete mock CBSE Question Papers, say at least two in a week's time. You are on. The more the merrier. Your confidence levels are bound in direct proportion to the number of CBSE 10th and 12th Class Question Papers that you are able to complete as part of your prepartion. CBSE 10th Class Question Papers are available for all the subjects. Similarly, CBSE 12th Question Papers are provided for virtually all subjects starting with the Science Group, Commerce and Humanities.
Care has to be taken to ensure that you solve these Question Papers and do a mock test of them in simulate real-time examination conditions. This is necessary. Otherwise, you will be able to make a proper judgement of your own performance. You can of course take the help of your peers, teachers and even seniors who have cleared these Boards successfully.
The availability of CBSE 10th and 12th Class Question Papers is most certain to bring down the anxiety levels that even the best of students experience say two to three months before the scheduled date of the Board Examinations. Again, these Question Papers can only play the role of a tool that helps you in your overall preparation. Nothing, repeat nothing can compensate for the actual sincere and regular study and revion that you put in from your first day of joing the class, 10th or 12th.