Getting Pregnant Difficulties: Pelvic Adhesions, Dor, Premature Ovarian Failure And Pregnancy
Pelvic Adhesions And Pregnancy
Pelvic adhesions are scars that usually develop on various parts of a womans reproductive system. These scars may develop on the uterus, bowel, ovaries or a womans fallopian tubes. In most cases, the scars result from pelvic venereal or pelvic inflammatory diseases or simply due to being exposed to previous surgical procedures that may leave your uterus scarred. These scars may be affecting your ability to get pregnant by interfering with your fallopian tubes ability t pick up the oocyte during ovulation. This will significantly affect your chances of getting pregnant. In extreme cases, having a baby naturally may be impossible and thus calling for the use of artificial methods of assisted reproduction.
Decreased Ovarian Reserve And Getting Pregnant
This is a condition which is common in women who are approaching menopause. While it may occur in younger women, this usually happens in rare occasions. Women who have had surgical treatment for ovarian cysts or endometriosis are also prone to having this condition. DOR is a condition which is characterized by a reduction in the number of eggs available to be released each month. As a result overlapping of menstrual cycles and short menstrual cycles are not uncommon in women with this condition.
This condition is a cause of infertility because of the effect it has on ovulation. Women with this condition usually ovulate early on in their menstrual cycles such that the egg is released when the endometrial lining is not yet ready for the implantation of the embryo. This usually results in failed pregnancy since implantation cannot occur because of the unprepared state of the endometrial lining. The failed implantation thus makes it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.
Premature Ovarian Failure And Pregnancy
The cause of Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) is usually unknown although it is believed to be caused by immune disorders, chromosome problems, lupus or thyroid disorders. Since this is a condition that is characterized by failure of the woman to release an egg during ovulation, conception cannot occur. Failure of conception to occur means that the woman cannot get pregnant. As a result, a woman with this condition can be said to be infertile. One can however have a baby by using donor eggs to get pregnant.