Marriage After Infidelity: Is it Possible?
Make each other happy. It is important to build new memories and stay in love. Initiate gestures that will make each other fall in love all over again. It is very possible to rekindle a love that has gone cold because of an affair. Arguments will still happen but keep in mind that these are only bumps on the road and can be easily fixed if you set your mind to it.
Apologize. Admit what you did wrong and for whatever you will do wrong in the future. This habit makes it easier for both of you to resolve problems and avoid further damage to your relationship.
Give each other time. Whether you are the cheating party or the victim, you both need time to heal. Allow time for both of you to process your feelings. Sometimes, a couple would feel a mix of guilt, sorrow, regret, and neglect. It is important to give each other a chance to let all of these feelings out. Never bottle up these emotions because they will haunt you if you try to repress them. It may even do more damage when kept inside than when let out.
Be better. In any relationship, there will always be a reason why things don't work out. Try to find out that reason and change it. Make a vow to improve and be better for each other. Do not promise perfection, rather, promise that you will everything you can to change your bad habits. This will also help you both get rid of any chance of another case of adultery in the future.
No matter what happens, always remember that marriage is a vow between two lovers to say together for better or for worse. Trials like adultery or infidelity could be considered a bump in the road which you can overcome and which could make your relationship stronger than before.