Enjoy the Great World of Warcraft Under the New System
5 million happy subscribers of WoW or the World of Warcraft entertainment program.
This is made possible by its developer, Blizzard Entertainment, which has done its best to make its subscribers happier this holiday season through launching of new toys to play with.
This new program should have been released sometime in November, but due to some efforts to make it more enticing to its subscribers; Blizzard has decided to move the launching date in January of next year.
However, due to popular requests from its numerous players, a major part of its retail expansion is going to be launched on the 5 of December, 2009.
While it took some time to upgrade the servers due to some technical applications, the waiting time is worth it, and you will surely enjoy playing the new games.
You will observe that in the preceding system of WoW's one-on-one combat or player against player, a ladder type of system has been used where a player could only get ahead of another player at the latter's expense.
In this kind of competition, a gruesome conflict has been raised demanding a great deal of play just to achieve the level of top tiers.
This made things impossible for players to attain this insignificant mark because of the required big investment in time.
Under the new system, the rewards are given daily in terms of "honor points" considered currency, based on your performance.
In simple terms, the new games allow you to gather your winning points, and you can exchange them for the kind of rewards that you prefer rather than rate your performance against other players.
This system also allows you to gain your rewards at your own choice based on your winning speed and accuracy, thus, giving all players the opportunity to enjoy playing other games available.
WoW makes your characters personalized by providing you with "talent points" rewards which you can spend in enhancing some important aspects in the character's abilities.
The spells and talents of all the 9 classes of players have been reorganized in WoW's virtual world named Azeroth that include "Dragon's Breath" Mages, "Felguard" Warlocks and "Tree-form" Druids.
With the launching of this new program, all subscribers will enjoy playing the interesting and exciting games online as part of WoW's commitment to excellence and leadership in the MMO market.
The Arena system has replaced the player against player contest, which has been subject to controversy.
Players can organize up to a maximum of 10 players which includes the back-up bench, and will compete with their opponents in a new and better battleground.
Competing teams will be encouraged to participate in several matches each week, and will be given their ranks accordingly based on their winning points.
Every quarter, the Arena ratings will be cleared and reset enabling new set of teams to achieve 15 minutes in fame for the next period of competition.