Is Twitter on Their Last Tweet?
The @Anywhere platform specifically means "anywhere", operators of third party websites will be able to plug in @ Anywhere and use some of Twitters basic functions without leaving the original website they were on.
This is going to make many people happy as the worst thing that can happen is when the web browser quits browsing.
When you browse a web page that supports @ Anywhere you will be able to follow any Twitter account that is an associate with that site without going to Twitter.
They are also saying you will be able to tweet about a YouTube video without causing it to stop or be interrupted.
Initial websites that will be participating will be websites like Amazon, Ad Age, Bing, City Search, Digg, eBay, Meebo, MSNBC.
com, Yahoo and YouTube to name a few.
While this may be a new move for Twitter, Facebook has been dominating this idea for awhile with a version they call Facebook Connect.
Their open technology platform is well known and Twitter APIs are already widely implemented but this is a different approach because they have created something incredibly simple.
Rather than implementing APIs, site owners need only drop in a few lines of JavaScript and there you go @ Anywhere works.
As a matter of fact Twitter just celebrated its 10 billionth tweet made in March of 2010.
Twitter also has a current retention rate of 40 percent but the site is said to reach only 10 percent of all internet users, think of the growth ahead of them.
Most tweets are done on Wednesday or Thursdays, the time when "maniac Mondays" are over, and they are bored, getting ready for the weekend.
So the answer the question "Is Twitter on their last Tweet?" - Not even close!