Social Networking Strategies - How to Obtain Higher Google Social Search Ranking
If you've dreamt of being listed on the number one search page results for your keywords and phrases it is never been easier by using this new search tool.
By linking all of your social networking profiles with your Google profile you'll dramatically raise your chances of being ranked higher and higher.
How exactly do you do that? One connection at a time.
You want to establish as many connections within your Google Gmail account and Google Chat that you can.
Despite this possibly taking some time, just thinking that this will, Google will reward you in the end with higher rankings because you are connected to more and more people.
This will increase the exposure they give you with in the social search platform.
Although, Google does not make it easy on us because we are unable to import our contact lists from any other e-mail account or social networking.
That is you cannot upload your entire list all at once from your networking contacts but you can add them one by one.
Do you know how to import contacts from a CSV file? If you do, this is the only way to upload your entire list instead of entering them one by one.
You'll have to do a little research to figure out how to do that with your social networking contact lists.
For those social networking junkies out there who love to continually post fresh content all day long with nothing better to do, your just rewards are about to come your way.
This is another method for landing yourself on page one results.
By continually updating content you will see your rankings go higher and higher.
Because Google ranks social networking content higher than some highly ranked organic websites, the rankings now are in the numbers.
That is, the amount of keyword rich content you continually post.
If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.
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