Survival Tactics For Online Social Media
Now it is also "online.
" What do I mean? Well, emails, social sites, (such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and chatrooms), and of course, even sites for special interest groups, (like betternetworker.
com for the network marketers).
The growth has been huge.
Facebook alone has just surpassed the 300 million-user milestone! Suddenly the world is available 24/7 on your laptop, on your cell-phone and on your BlackBerry, to name a few.
Now, at the press of a button, we can send information out to the world.
It is amazing how much time can be taken up keeping up with these social sites.
Though, as much as that is a problem in itself, is not the issue here.
No, the problem is we can expose more of ourselves (our privacy), than is advisable and safe.
We type away our thoughts in the comfort of our home or workplace, then press submit/send, off they go into cyberspace.
We can underestimate how instantly they are in public domain and remain recorded for ever.
The danger is anything you say, tweet, blog or post, can and will be used against you.
So ease up and stop, before you press submit.
Read through again and check, is this really suitable for public viewing? Ask yourself, could this information or photos, put myself, family members or friends, etc, at risk? Use these sites with discretion and common sense.
In the business world employers routinely turn to social websites to check on job candidates and even there on employees.
Some companies are so aware of this that they are on Twitter 24 hours a day to make sure nothing untrue (about them) is being said out there.
In terms of defamation, libel or slander, standards are the same on the internet as elsewhere in the public domain, when the reputation of another has been harmed.
We must not refrain from using these sites, because of this, but bear these issues in mind.
The role of social sites should now be part of your overall business strategy.
This is now part of our social and business world.
Carefully linked and used they can benefit your business especially with network marketing.
Consider them an essential business tool and use with due diligence.