Online Business Failure - Why am I not Making Money?
The first thing that you need to realize is that you are not a failure. Many of the top Internet marketers began the same way you did. They were not making thousands of dollars right away. As a matter of fact, it took years for some of them to really understand what they were doing wrong.
Being successful on the Internet means never giving up! You must fail in order to succeed. If it were as easy as working a month or two in order to make loads of cash then everyone would be doing it.
The fact is you probably are doing things wrong. You may be doing a lot of things wrong. That is absolutely fine though. The moment that you realize that your efforts are actually paying off will be the moment that you realize you took action.
Stop what you are doing with your current business plan. Sit back and analyze it. Determine exactly what it is you want to achieve. Of course you are probably thinking, "I want to make as much money as possible at home". Well, that's fine but you need to be thinking of how you are going to do it.
Chances are, you have already begun to implement the technique that is appealing to you. Since it has not yet began to bring in an income for you, you must do some research. Seek out forums that deal with your niche. Get involved and make a name for yourself. In the beginning your main goal should be obtaining knowledge. Do not be afraid to ask questions.
Once you become confident, you can begin to implement your newly acquired knowledge. Eventually it will pay off and you will reap the benefits of your hard work.
When it comes down to it, the key to success with an online business, or any business for that matter is to construct a business plan with short-term and long-term goals and to stick with it. I know you hear that all the time but don't you think there is a reason for that?