Best Affiliate Marketing - 2 Sneaky Secret Tips to Find Long Tail Keywords
Hop on over to EzineArticles.
com and do some research using the broad phrase for your product.
Secret #1 If you want to sell a registry cleaner, for instance, type registry cleaner in the searchbox at the top of the web site.
You'll be presented with a list of articles about registry cleaners.
Click on the first one so you can read it, but scroll down until you find a list headed, "Most Viewed EzineArticles.
" These articles have proven their popularity among readers in the last 90 days.
Study those titles because there's a good chance they rank highly in Google for great long tail keywords for your product.
When I searched, I suspected "speed windows xp" was a keyword.
I used Google Keyword Tool External to search for that phrase and hit a bonanza of four similar keyword phrases with 300 to 500 searches in the last month.
That's our Goldilocks "just right" number of searches we need for best affiliate marketing.
One of them was "ways to speed up windows xp.
" Secret #2 Hop on over to Google, search for allintitle:ways to speed up windows xp and we see the number of pages optimized for that keyword is even lower than the 500 to 1000 pages we want.
Excellent! This not only verifies that it's a good keyword for you but you might see more keyword ideas.
Bonus Tip As it happens, my search shows half a dozen videos on offer for this long tail keyword.
As you find long tail keywords, you can discover what your competition is doing and how you might outshine them with your best affiliate marketing efforts.