How to Keep Track of Contacts
- 1). Use a Rolodex. This could either be on paper or electronically, but it's a great place to store all your contacts. List them how you feel comfortable--by last name, by first name, where you know them from, or whatever works best for you.
- 2). Contact everyone in your Rolodex at least twice a year. It could be around a holiday or someone's birthday. If you make it a habit, then it will be easier to keep track of your contacts.
- 3). Join organizations in which your contacts are a part. There are thousands of associations, ranging from the National Association For Female Executives to the American Association of Zookeepers. Many organizations have a member directory and a newsletter that provides updates on what members are doing.
- 4). Sign up for a social networking site on the Internet. This could range from national ones to sites geared for certain professions. You never know who's going to be active.
- 5). When you talk to someone, ask them how any mutual friends are doing. It gives you an excuse to contact them, and it eliminates some of the need for small talk.