True Story, Santa LettersChanged A Little Girls Life
All the kids in school teased her about still believing in Santa and although she had many questions, she still held strong to her beliefs. She defended him like he was a close personal friend and I do believe through her hard times as a child, he might have been. For her eyes always brightened with the mention of him and this was one time of the year that she really looked forward to no matter what life spit at her.
You see, this girl was only eight, but she had already had the world yanked from her. Her parents had split and her mother abandoned her and now she was custody of the state. Her grandmother loved her so, but was too old to care for her. The state would not allow it even though she fought for her so hard. She was lost in the system now and only her father could save her and he was nowhere to be found.
She was a sweet girl. You could see in her eyes there was still hope for a day where she would not be plagued of growing up too fast. Where she might have a family of her own and she could really change things.
There was one special lady in her life and she thought this Santa letter just might do the trick into raising her spirits this year. And she could see it worked as she delicately took the letter from her hand. She showed her and said, Look, it came from the North Pole! The excitement in her face was priceless. She was a regular kid again and all her hardships were disappearing right here in this moment. She opened it and exclaimed, See, hes real! I just knew it! With the letters from Santa any child could capture their youth again and this seem to be the perfect remedy.
See, this girl was me and although Im all grown up now with a family of my own, I still remember that day when that kind lady thought of me. At that point, I knew that things were going to get better. All I had to do is believe.