Daycare Arts & Crafts Activities for Black History Month
- Discuss why there is a memorial of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Help commemorate black history month by learning about, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of America’s great black leaders. After explaining the basic background on the history of race problems in America and Dr. King’s work for racial equality, read them the most prominent part of his most famous speech from 1963, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Then ask the children to draw a picture of what they can dream to do to help other people some day. - Celebrate with peanut butter sandwiches in honor of George Washington Carver.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
George Washington Carver lived from 1865 to 1943, in a time when the American South was struggling financially. Although he was born an orphan and former slave, that didn't stop him. Carver became one of the most important contributors to American industry and welfare by working in science, education and helping people. He was most famous for bringing peanut production and prosperity to the South and later donated his life savings to agricultural research. Celebrate his work with a party in his honor and let the children make edible peanut butter sandwich faces with banana slice eyes and raisin smiles. Be sure to get signed permissions slips before the party and make allowances for children with food allergies. - Create medals and hold races to learn about the accomplishments of Jesse Owens.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
In a time when the world was suffering the racial atrocities of Adolf Hitler, another man named Jesse Owens proved to the world how great a black man could be and what he could accomplish. Jesse Owens won four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics in addition to setting and tying Olympic records. Celebrate black history month and his athletic achievements by having a "day at the races" activity. Create a start and finish line and let the children race make gold, silver and bronze medals. Then hold races in groups of three to let the kids win the medals that they made. - Let the children tell the President what they think.Mark Wilson/Getty Images News/Getty Images
In 2009, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace prize and became the first African-American President of the United States. Since this is current black history, allow the children to participate in a current events discussion. Give them a few subjects to get them thinking, such as how to help children get a better education, what would be a good job for out-of-work Americans or how to be an active and healthy American kid. Let the kids make a greeting card to tell the President about their ideas on one of the subjects. Gather all the cards and send them to the White House.