Date Movies to Impress a Redneck Girl
This gives a distinct advantage to the redneck man: the only absolutely great movies are only out on DVD. This means she has to go to your home to see them - or you need to go to hers. Need I say more on this?
Out of respect for men, there will be no Thelma and Louise in this list, and the movies listed will all include at least something that appeals to the men.
1. Gone With the Wind: If you can handle the length, this should be the main building block of your redneck date movie collection. this film is full of romance and drama and comedy and action - it's the original Hollywood blockbuster, with something for everyone. Since the movie is around three hours long, you will want to plan your entire evening around it. Enjoy your dinner while viewing the first half. During intermission, clear out the dinner stuff and relax on the sofa with your favorite beverage while watching the second half.
2. Steel Magnolias: Okay, this one's a little chick-flicky, but it's a guaranteed winner for her, and if you don't do anything stupid it should even guarantee you a second date. Steel Magnolias is about strong Southern women supporting each other, and though there are no car chases or action scenes more powerful than Dolly Parton's hair being teased, you will probably enjoy it.
3. Anything by the Duke: You're going to love these, and with John Wayne, the archetypical strong man, she should just melt. If you'd like a great love story, try The Quiet Man; for something a little more intensely masculine, try Rooster Cogburn. If she's a military lover - and a lot of redneck women boast loved ones in the military these days - go for some of his war films.
4. Most pre-1960 romantic film classics: Start with Casablanca, and move through all the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers films. If it includes Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, or Errol Flynn, grab it. These are movies most people don't think of as redneck films - but they are films that promote the ethics Hollywood has lost. A fringe benefit: if you bring her to your house and you have a shelf of these films, she'll be impressed with your sensitive side. You don't need to do anything else.
5. Eve's Bayou is nicely creepy, a psychological thriller set in the hot sultry damp of a Louisiana swamp. If you're looking for something a little different that you can both discuss later, this is the one.
6. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood may overwhelm your testosterone, but it's a really great movie for making her laugh. If you pick this one up, you will need to be able to sit through two hours of mushy romantic stuff and lots of female empowerment. It is a fantastic movie, though, and will impress her with your understanding of women.
Not all these are for every redneck man or woman. You will discover when you begin to go through them, that even many of the female oriented ones will catch your eye. And if you show one of these on your first date, you can go with the ye-haa car chase movie on the second one.