How to Get a Permanent Tan
- 1). Choose a very sunny weekend, preferably at the beginning of summer, to begin your tanning regimen. The results you achieve on the first day will encourage you to keep tanning regularly.
- 2). Apply a thin layer of low SPF sunblock. Start tanning after 3 o'clock in the afternoon, as the UV rays you absorb will not be as damaging to your skin.
- 3). Break your sun exposure into hour-long blocks. If you have not been out in the sun for awhile, reduce these blocks to half-hour blocks. Take 15 to 20 minute breaks in between, using this time to apply moisturizer and drink water.
- 4). Wait at least four hours before taking a cool bath or shower to rinse the sunscreen and lotion off. Gently pat yourself dry. Don't wipe as it can be abrasive to recently tanned skin. Apply a few coats of moisturizer to your body.
- 5). Repeat the above steps every time you tan. It's preferable to complete two time blocks every 3 to 4 days, or every weekend. This schedule gives you enough time in the sun to achieve a long lasting tan without exhausting your skin.