A Beginners Handbook To The Best Weight Training
Step 1: Get Warmed Up
To take up a full fledge weight training session; you must start by warming up the body. It can easily be done by swinging arms, moving to a beat or jogging in your place. Warming up helps in doing the workouts in the plan easily.
Step 2: Workout Smoothly
Pick up a workout style that is smooth and even. Rough and irregular moves while weight training can be damaging. As important as it is for any good workout regimen, balance and good control are a must for successful weight training for beginners.
Step 3: Breathe Freely
Refrain from holding the breath on having tensed muscles. Many have the incorrect way of exercising that way. The increases need of oxygen by the muscles in case of exercise is inevitable. However, if the breath is held blood does not get enough oxygen to supply it to the muscles. Take long deep breaths during workout, your muscles need more oxygen.
Step 4: Maintain Focus
Most of the basic weight training guides stress that you must only pay attention on what you're doing. Follow your exercise schedule properly, concentrate on your workout and count the repetitions if you want results. You may notice that one set of exercise if done orderly may be more advantageous than a number of unfocused ones done randomly.
Step 5: Use the Right Weights
Single out the weights hefty enough to supply you the resistance for your muscles to work virtually, but not so weighty that you get problem carrying out the exercise. If you cannot workout easily then the weight is certainly too heavy. Use the weights which exhaust your muscles in 12 repetitions. Wait till you get stronger and you can add extra weight.
Step 6: Do Just One Set Slowly
To achieve good results, its not necessary for you to do multiple sets of all exercises, although it might be advised by some. The beginners weight training programs trainers only allow 1 set of each exercise, with 8-12 repetitions each. Doing too many sets in wrong way is worst, instead doing one set correctly is much better in the longer run.
Step 7: Keep Your Workout Balanced
A single body part being worked on everyday may not yield great results. It is essential to extend the exercise routines to areas such as the abdomen, legs, back, shoulders, arms etc.
Step 8: Make Sure to Rest and Recover
The torn and stressed muscles whish are the result of continuous training get rejuvenated and repaired while the body rests. If you want to see you muscles growing and recovering better, you need to take a rest of at least 48 hours in between two training sessions.
Step 9: Avoid Overdoing It
Overdoing would never achieve quick body development, its a wrong idea. Without achieving any results, you would end up sore or injured. While starting off, use appropriate light weights. Before you switch to heavier weights or tough routine, you must master the basic skill.
Step 10: Get a Good Reference Book
Get hold of a good training manual. If you're a beginner, you must get a good guide on weight training for beginners. If you are looking for an exercise guide, look for the one with photo description. It is important to do something but understanding what you're doing is important too.
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