Copywriting Tips to Help You Boost Your Conversion Ratio
In this article we will be discussing a few effective copywriting tips that will help you on the long run.
The first tip you need to learn is that your copy needs to be legible. If your copy is confusing, nobody is going to stay around to read it. Your copy needs to sell and needs all the pertinent information, but to make it easier to read you might want to include bullet points and subheadings. If you can give your prospects the required information and perks of the product in bullet points, you are giving it to them in a way that's very clear. It would then be possible to just lightly peruse your article so that they know what you're offering to them. When you include subheadings in your copy, it just flows better. Your copy would then be a few sales copies all in one. When you have a lot of spaces between subheadings and paragraphs, not only is it easier to view, but it will get a better response. Your aim with copywriting is to make things clear about your product, not confusing. When you are discussing your product, don't just mention its qualities, but highlight its benefits. Yes, your product might have the best features but unless you show your customers why and how they would benefit out of them, it's of no use. Your prospects don't really care about the way your product works, they want to know what problem it will solve for them. Just make sure that you list a benefit every time you mention a feature. Keep in mind that when people discuss your product with others, they aren't going to mention all of its features, but focus on the practical benefits. While the features are important and make your product unique, it's the benefits that people will remember. You can create a list of benefits using bullet points.
There's always been a debate about whether short copy is better than long copy or vice versa. While it's completely up to you to choose the length of the copy, research shows that long copy always outperforms the short copy. People want as much information on a product before buying and this is why a long copy is more likable. For those prospects who don't want to have a long lecture on the product a short copy would be best for them. The real deal is to having your products benefits outlines for the prospect. It may take time to master but it is very much possible.