Build Your Swipe File For Free - Without Leaving Your House Or Even Getting Out Of Your Chair
As you know, one of the best ways to come up with powerful headlines for your own ads and sales letters is to keep a swipe file of headlines proven to pull in a lot of readers. That way, if you get stuck trying to come up with a headline, you can just look at your file of proven winners for inspiration and ideas. I have well over a thousand such headlines in my file as do many other copywriters.
Now, one of the best ways to add to this file regularly is to grab a bunch of back issues of magazines like Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Redbook....and all the other high-selling "low culture" magazines that a lot of people read and that have a lot of good headlines on them written by master copywriters.
However, for any number of reasons, it's sometimes difficult to subscribe to all these magazines or too inconvenient to make it to the library to get this file started and maintained.
If this is you then, you'll be happy to know there is now a way to get all the headlines off these magazines you want from the privacy of your own home...and without spending any money or even having to get up out of your chair.
Here's how:
Simply log on the Internet and go to any search engine with an "image" search tool, and click on the "images" or "pictures" tab. This way your search will only bring up images. Then type in the word "Cosmo" or "Cosmopolitan" or "Men's Health" or "National Enquirer" or the title of any hot selling magazine with lots of good cover blurbs.
And as soon as you enter your search criteria, you'll find a whole bunch of "pictures" of the covers of these magazines (with all their cover blurbs) which you can then write out and stuff in your files.
As you'll see, this little "shortcut" will save you not only a lot of money...but a lot of time as well. The only thing you have to remember is to make sure you disable the "filter my results" option for each search engine you do this with.