How to Make Fabric Color Fast for Ink Jet Print
- 1). Do not prewash the fabric. Cut the fabric to 9 inches by 11 1/2 inches, this will allow for shrinkage and will be trimmed later. You can prepare 40 or more sheets at the same time if desired.
- 2). Put on the rubber gloves. In a well-ventilated room, pour the color-fast solution into a plastic container large enough to hold all of the fabric sheets. Lay the first sheet into the container covering completely with the liquid. Continue adding sheets, evenly saturating each one. Use your fingers to rub the solution into the fabric.
- 3). Remove each sheet individually, either hang the fabric sheets to dry or lay them on a flat surface covered with plastic. Sheets should not touch each other; they may stick. Let them air dry for 48 hours. You can store and reuse leftover solution.
- 4). Cut sheets of freezer paper to 8 ½ inches by 11 inches. Lay the treated fabric sheets on top of the shiny side of the freezer paper and iron, removing any air bubbles. Trim the fabric if necessary to fit the paper.
- 5). Place the fabric sheet into the manual feed with the fabric side facing up (depending on your printer). Change the print settings on the ink jet printer to the highest dpi available on your printer. Set the media type to “photo quality” or "glossy paper." Change the photo effects to “vivid,” and use the manual paper feed. Do not print “border to border,” use normal printing. You need the borders for sewing fabrics together.
- 6). Print. Allow the printed fabric to rest for at least 30 minutes. Remove the freezer paper. Mix the color-fast solution, pour into the plastic container. Lay one sheet at a time into the container completely covering the printed fabric. The Bubble Jet Set rinse sets the ink so there is no need to iron the printed fabric to set the ink. Hang the sheets to air dry, taking care not to let the fabric fold over onto itself, the fabric may stick. The fabric sheets are ready to use after drying.