Bridging loans: Securing Finance against Property
Bridging loans are a kind of short term loans. Bridging loans are to support the loan-seekers financially so long he finds it possible to acquire finance from any alternative source or so long he disposes of his age-old property at his expected price. Bridging loans are short term loans, and, hence, interest rates for bridging loans are comparatively high. There is a provision in favor of the borrower. He is allowed to deposit only the interest of the loan amount for a given period. He can pay off the principal amount afterwards when he will find it comfortable. In this way, the borrower gets some relief and he does not feel unbearable pressure.
The amount of loan that the loan-seeker finally receives is assessed on the basis of worth of his property. Bridging loans are granted if the borrower can produce such documents which will support that he owns commercial/semi-commercial or residential property. It is possible that he has used his property as collateral for earlier loans. There are provisions for second tier bridging loans. It is very important to note that the borrower must possess record of healthy credit. The financial stability of the borrower and equity in collateral are other factors that determine the amount of the payable loans. The borrower can secure an amount between £25000 and £1000000.
It should also be noted that the borrowers with bad credit record are also eligible for bridging loans as the finance is granted against security.
There are plenty of lenders and lending agencies. The borrower should be careful to learn the terms and conditions provided by the lenders.