How Start Ups Can Implement Effective Social Media Marketing
Facebook can probably be regarded as the most popular website on the internet, with its 600 million + user base; the majority of whom are accessing their account everyday.
We have sourced some information from a top award winning digital agency to help any business start ups who are looking to raise their brand's online awareness.
Here are some top tips that will help expose your brand through social media:
- Expose your brand to popular networks- Set up your Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Flickr accounts.
After you are setup, add relevant and quality multimedia on a regular basis.
There is nothing worse than a group which isn't updated; stale content could be detrimental to your brand.
Also there is no point signing up to LinkedIn if you are aiming at consumers or FlickR if you have no images to show. - Set up Twitter background design- The popular micro blogging website is very popular for interacting with customers and is also a great way to show your customers updated content, new website features, and most importantly any deals or special offers.
Most twitter pages offer deals which are only available to members who follow them in an attempt to increase the amount of followers of their page.
You will also want to create a background design which could be something as simple as the company name and logo, which will help your page look unique. - Build a following for your groups- Now you need to proactively look at ways of informing users about your page, and why they should join.
You can start by sending invites to all your friends on Facebook, and start following your friends from your personal Twitter account.
Offer exclusive free offers and discounts to potential new members of your Facebook page to draw them in, and actually follow up these promises with real and exciting offers and competitions.
Once they join or follow, look to interact with them, by updating news, content, pictures of products, videos, start discussions, re-tweet, use hash tags, just use anything you like.
These are hundreds of ways that can make your profile look inviting, indirectly helping you to showcase your pages to a wider audience who may be unaware it exists. - Time your tweets- Take your audiences schedule in to consideration when tweeting, as you gain more coverage if they are strategically timed.
If you are a photocopier salesman, then the chances are you're target audience can be reached during their 9-5 job whilst they are sitting at their desk.
If you own a movie rental shop, then you will want to tweet in the evening before many will settle down for a night in.
See what I mean? - Connect blog to social media accounts- If you have a website blog or a personal blog, look to connect it to your social media accounts so that any time content is updated, then so are your pages.
This task may seem out of your depth, but try having a look online for any help and see if you can make the change yourself.
If you still feel like you do not have the skills to complete such a task, then seek some professional help.
Also make sure you add social media widgets to your blog to allow visitors to easily share your articles with friends and followers through social networks.
All you need is a bit of innovation, interaction, something interesting that people will want to share with friends and you'll be a lot closer to achieving success on social networks.
In next months article we look at why you should analyse and monitor your social media pages and the benefits this will bring.