How To Attract Leaders to Your Business
World renown author and leadership trainer, John Maxwell says "the speed of the leader is the speed of the pack" meaning you must always be on your game.
Imagine if you invested $1,000,000 in a franchise, Would you sit back and let everything happen by default? Of course not! No serious business professional would let that take place.
In your business it's no different as you must take a hands on approach and be constantly focused on what result you are aiming for.
Earlier this week I was interviewing a potential candidate to partner with that responded to a leaders wanted advertisement I placed.
He told me that he'd been in 5 network marketing companies in the past three years.
One of which he paid close to $1500.
00 to register.
I asked him what happened and he said that the first two companies he was hyped into participating and gave up after a month in the business.
In the other four companies including the one he paid $1499.
00 to join, he mentioned he never received all the upline assistance and support they promised him.
While he was talking about this for a few seconds my mind shifted as I remembered that when I got started in the industry I was using the same excuses and not taking responsibility for my actions just like him.
About five years ago I was at a dinner training event with the network marketing company I was with and one of the top income earners was doing a Q&A session.
There was a crowd of about 500 people at this event and as the questions progressed I got up and asked what do I tell my prospects if they ask me" If it is going to cost any out of pocket expense they don't want to get started?" The lady looked at me and candidly said "I don't get those types of objections because I don't have a poverty mindset" I was so embarrassed but that incident stuck with me because it was my wake up call from a leader to change my way of thinking and let go of my poverty mindset and take the responsibility required to succeed.
People who are interested will do what is convenient and work their business when convenient.
When you have someone who is committed it's a different story.
They will do what is necessary to succeed in their business.
That's the line between one who is a leader and a follower.
I asked the prospect what was his level of commitment to the last business opportunity he was with but he looked at me like a deer in the headlights and couldn't give me a straight answer.
I quickly realized that our business would not be a fit for him but thanked him for stopping by.
How to spot a leader.
As your business grows the leaders will show up in the ranks.
Your job at this point is to let go of your ego and allow the leaders to run and blossom in their business.
See, leaders do not wait for people to tell them what to do.
Most of the time they will take the time to investigate the company and they will take their future into their own hands.
Usually you will know that this person is a leader by the caliber of people he or she is working with.
They are great at creating teams and secure to work with people who often will be better than they are which edifies the organization.
They take the required action and are driven by a willingness to serve.
Very soon it's not unusual for them to pass you in rank have incomes that eclipse what you are making.
That's the beauty of network marketing as your leaders know their earning potential is unlimited.
You will know who your leaders are by the actions they take and the questions they ask.
One of the advantages of this industry is you don't need everyone.
All you need is a few quality leaders in your organization who have the passion for growing their business.
Keeping your leaders motivated Keep the vision in front of them because leaders love a challenge.
It's so easy for people to lose focus due to the recession however leaders are naturally self motivated and exhibit a great deal of enthusiasm and confidence.
Moreover they understand that even in challenging times nothing is permanent.
Also in bad economies they must still invest in their business and their people.
Make sure you provide an environment of personal development either through cross-training, seminars or webinars to develop them.
They understand that it's important it is to keep themselves motivated as their people look up to them and continue to do the same for their people to develop them.
Stay System Driven: Your purpose is to target your stars and teach them to duplicate the same thing.
You accomplish that by staying system driven in your approach.
Most successful companies have already got their own systems and all your do is make sure your new leaders plug into them.
Your leaders will already have their clear defined goals and the goal of their team.
Develop a 3 year vision and keep lines of communication open with them.
Nothing can end a great relationship like lack of communication.
You will be able to tell commitment to their business and by when they are looking to achieve it.
This will allow you to see if his or her goals are in line to your goals and if together you can both have tremendous success together