Creatine Levels
However, this is not the only function that Creatine can perform in our bodies, as there are also other uses for them, which include using the Creatine levels in our bodies to diagnose any abnormalities in our bodies.
One example of this is on how kidney function can be determined by getting the Creatine levels that is present in the blood.
This is because given the fact that Creatine is excreted entirely by the kidney, any abnormalities in the level of Creatine levels in the blood could mean an abnormality in the kidneys.
In doing the test, there are a number of issues that people should be aware of like on the preparations they need to do and the precautions they should look out for, so that they would get accurate results.
Preparations and precautions As to the preparations that people would do before undergoing the test, there are a number of steps they need to take to make sure that the results of the test would be accurate.
One of these is that people are encouraged to fast, which means no food or drink for a period of eight hours before the test.
In addition tot his, people are also advised not to take vitamin C, barbiturates, and diuretics 24 hours before the test, as these can affect the results of the test.
As to the precautions that people need to be aware of, one of the most important is that a high diet of meat can also significantly affect the results of the test.
Moreover, people are also discouraged to take medications that decrease Creatine levels in the body, as they can be toxic to the kidneys.
Results For adult males, the normal Creatine level is 0.
6 to 1.
2 mg/dL, while for adult females, the normal level is about 0.
5 to 1.
1 mg/dL.
With regard to abnormal results, physicians would suspect that something is wrong if the deviation from the normal level reaches about 2 to 4 mg/dL, which can mean that there is impairment in the renal function of the kidneys.
Apart from serving its main function of allowing our muscles to contract, Creatine also serves the important function of being an indicator of the health of a person's kidney.
This is because the Creatine levels in the blood of a person can indicate whether there is any impairment I the renal function of a person's kidney.
However, to get accurate results, people should be aware of the preparations and the precautions involved in the test.