The Best Way to Grow Muscle
Taking drugs or other 'supplements' will at best give you minimal gains, while at worst ruining your life.
We all want to improve our bodies, but we need to make sure we do it the right way.
 The best way to build muscle is to do it naturally by sticking close to the following tips: 1) Lift large amounts of weight for medium numbers of reps (6-12).
Doing this will give you a balance between strength gains and mass gains.
If you don't lift enough reps, you'll focus more on muscle strength but less on endurance; if you lift with more reps, you advantage endurance over strength.
Target somewhere in the middle and you'll get a good balance between the two.
2) Eat tons of food.
This part may actually be the hardest part for you to consistently accomplish, believe it or not.
You have to eat tons of clean, protein-rich foods like turkey, milk, and the like to help grow your muscle.
You'll also need to eat enough carbs to give your body the energy to complete your workouts and other daily activities.
Skimping on any macronutrient will hurt your chances at maximizing your body's looks and strength.
3) Rest often and for plenty of hours.
Many weight lifters satisfy the first two requirements but cheat on the third.
You need to get regular sleep at night - shoot for at least 7 to 8 hours.
Also, daily naps may help you recover more quickly.
In addition, don't schedule too many workout days every week.
You'll need days off in between each workout to ensure proper muscle repair and, therefore, muscle growth.
If you miss any of these ingredients, you'll shortchange your overall methods, no matter how hard you workout, how much you eat, or how often you rest.