The Dawn of Social Networking and Blogging Sites
This is yet another full proof of how technology and the internet have made its impact in our daily lives a nd how globalization spread outs in different fields.
The function of both technology and the internet in our present society continuously expands and attracts people from the many walks of life.
And with the introduction of social networking and blogging sites, more and more people are being drawn to the magic of the internet.
This doesn't only holds true towards kids and teenagers but for adults as well.
Social networking and blogging sites initially had the youth as its captured market.
And since this has now developed into profit generating means, those beyond their 20's have engaged in the use of these internet-based recreations.
But what pros and cons has this new era of internet-based innovation brought about to the society? For globalization and reaching out to people, this has by far made a really great impact on how we go about socialization.
Individuals can now keep in touch with people they haven't seen or heard from for a very long time.
They can also get connected with complete strangers form different countries who wish to acquire as many friends as they wish or relatives who are in a different country.
This is also a means to speak one's mind and be visible.
At the same time it is used as venue to brainstorm questions and answers to the millions of information and topics around the globe.
A large number of people have taken advantage of this by simply making money out of just sharing thoughts and opinions.
As for this part, it doesn't sound bad at all.
On the other side of the fence, reality check, once anyone posts anything on the internet through these sites, one has agreed to publicize certain aspects of his life that used to be known just among family, closest friends or professional contacts.
It is true that these sites have encourage connectedness and globalization in a different aspect, but take note of the fact that this kind is more on a very personal level.
A very personal level, that at times not even an individual's parents are aware of these unless they have read or since it in one of those social networking sites.
And not to forget the attacks on sensitive information such as password and credit card information.
There are also concerns regarding harassment over these sites.
In addition, this has also brought about lower productivity and more conflicts due to excessive use of use sites even during working hours.
Both social networking and blogging has its benefits and drawbacks.
A remind for anyone and everyone to take precautions while enjoying this perks of the internet.
So if you're the type of individual who values privacy too much, be extra careful in venturing into this.
It has made both money and friends for a lot but it has also caused a lot of trouble for some.
This significant era of internet-based technology and feature have more in store for the world in the future and millions are continuously patronizing it.
It would always be better to learn and understand it before jumping into it or even if you're already a part of it.