Article Marketing Tips - What Article Directories Should You Submit to For Maximum ROI?
Only 20 percent (or even less) of all article directories account for over 80% of all traffic generated from them.
While ROI (Return on Investment) may not be an immediate concern because writing and submitting articles is free, it does take some time, that we could spent on other, potentially more profitable activities.
Let's talk about a few of the article directories that are worth submitting to.
com This is always my first choice when I'm ready to submit an article.
They have great pull with their PR6 site.
Articles get spidered quickly and as long as you do your keyword research and pick a keyphrase that's not super hard to rank for, your article will rank rather quickly on page one of Google.
I also like it because lots of other webmasters come here to pick up content for their site.
There's a good chance that your article will appear on other sites across the web over time.
com Article Base is another good article directory.
They used to have a bad rep for using "nofollow" links that wouldn't send any link juice to your site.
Any articles I've submitted recently had followed links and this is another directory that gets articles ranked rather quickly.
com Buzzle stands out because they are rather strict in accepting authors and articles.
It took a good month before my first article was accepted.
Take your time and write a really good article, submit it and then forget about it for a while and concentrate on the other directories until your first buzzle article gets approved.
com I like GoArticles because my articles are approved right away.
Their site is also spidered frequently.
It's great for incoming links to your own site, but I haven't had too much luck getting the articles themselves to rank well.
Still worth the effort for link building and getting new pages on my site indexed quickly.
com I will occasionally use isnare to mass-submit an article.
For roughly $2 they will add your article to their own site and also send it out to hundreds of other webmasters.
Depending on how the webmasters have their account set up, the articles will either be emailed to them, or they are auto-posted to their sites.