Warning Signs of a Failing Relationship
- As the initial stage of meeting and falling in love begins to wear off, you may find yourself wondering if this relationship is going to survive. Trust your gut reaction if you think something is wrong. Embrace the feeling and analyze its cause. People who are quick to jump into a relationship and express extreme loving feelings may have difficulties with long-term romantic relationships. Maybe, it's just you being paranoid and irrational or your partner is under some kind of stress. If that's the case, ease up and give your partner space and keep communication open.
- After the "honeymoon" period ends, you may find it difficult to transition to the next level in your relationship. Take note of any unusual behavior in your partner. She may suddenly spend every evening with her friends instead of a night or two a week. Your partner may talk about new people she meets but avoids introducing you to them. Your partner may seem extremely moody or agitated with you one day and extremely happy the next. This can be a sign of guilt she is feeling over the possibility of ending the relationship.
- Relationships at any stage need trust and respect to survive. If you find that you do not have the ability to be yourself around your partner, the relationship is unhealthy and may be headed for failure. Both partners are allowed to make mistakes. Lying, withholding information, suspicion of your partner's intentions and constant blame are all signs of mistrust. You deserve to be treated with respect in your relationship. A healthy relationship doesn't allow for sarcasm, putting each other down, berating or mistreating each other in any way. Both partners need to feel important to each other.
- Your partner is not going to stay exactly the same. People will grow and change in healthy relationships. In unhealthy relationships, however, you may only feel loving towards your partner when she is who you want her to be. Both partners need to feel good being with one another. You need to like and respect each other for who you are. Lastly, your relationship has reached the failing point if abuse is impending or has occurred. Hitting, making your partner question her self-worth or isolating her from friends, family and activities she enjoys is not tolerated.